Now we will be able to fully develop the game thanks to the generous support of the Kerr Foundation and the Santa Fe Community Foundation. Through their grants we will now develop games with 2 time periods - 1821-1879 and 1879 -1919. The game involves 5 decks of cards - Character, Culture, Religion, Occupation, Artifacts, and Scenarios. Players will be given a certain number of cards from each deck and asked to interact with each other based on their "hand". It will be a fun game for all ages, and will never be boring with so many ways to use the cards.
In the test runs we've done, every one has really enjoyed it. The first time we tried it out, last spring, Billie Mathews' 6th grade class had a great time developing characters and going on a scavenger hunt through the museum looking for artifacts their character would have used.
As we continue to develop the completed game, we need classes, families, groups of all kinds to come in and test it out. I encourage everyone to call me and make a date to come in and try out this new game. I guarantee you'll enjoy it, and it will give us great feedback on how to make Las Vegas Alive! the best it can be.
Stay tuned for more on this exciting project!
For more info, or to set up a time to play, call Nellie Price at (505) 454-1401 ext 283