On February 20, the Las Vegas City Museum welcomed Margaret Ludi when she came to collect her $1,000 Bank of Las Vegas certificate of deposit. Ms. Ludi won the top prize in a raffle held by the the Friends of the Museum. The winning tickets were drawn a few days earlier by nine-year old Jamie Sanchez, a student at Union Elementary School.
Ms. Ludi is the mother of Larry Ludi, a Museum volunteer who helps scan the photo and archive collections. He accompanied her to the Museum, as did her daughter, Jennifer Martinez, Assistant VP for Operations, Bank of Las Vegas.
This first-ever raffle by the Museum Friends netted $7,740 in donations for 400 tickets. “The community’s response to our raffle was very encouraging,” said Bob Mishler, Friends chair. “We thank all those who contributed to our Museum fund-raising. The winners have been contacted and have received their prizes.”
Mishler also thanked all the merchants who donated prizes as well as all those who helped with the ticket offering.
Winners are:
First prize, $1,000 CD at 5% interest from the Bank of Las Vegas: Margaret Ludi
Second prize, $750 Cash: Rosemarie Montoya, State Farm Insurance Agency
Third prize, turquoise and silver necklace from Neita Fran Ward, WarDancer Design and Gallery: Franken Construction Co.
Fourth prize, $100 Gift Certificate from Charlie's Restaurant and Bakery: Jane Ellen Mallette
Fifth prize,$100 Gift Certificate from Charlie's Restaurant and Bakery: June King
Sixth prize, amethyst and silver pendant from Tito's Gallery: Alyssa Archuleta
Seventh prize, turquoise and silver bolo tie by Ivan Garcia, Native American jeweler: Gerald E. Baca
Eighth prize, $100 cash: Franken Construction Co.
All of the funds collected will go to the Friends of the Las Vegas City Museum Endowment Fund to help make the Museum a premier resource for the community and region.

Margaret Ludi of Las Vegas, right, and Jennifer Martinez, Mrs. Ludi’s daughter and Assistant VP for Operations of the Bank of Las Vegas, sit in the La Casita area of the City Museum and hold the $1,000 certificate of deposit won by Ms. Ludi in a raffle held by the Friends of the Las Vegas City Museum.